首頁 關我科見 教學特色
  1. 完整教務體制:以總公司為核心,各分校均設立教學教務部,落實教材研發、師資訓練及課程規劃,構成教學獨立、資源整合的綿密教務網。
  2. 堅強外師陣容:擁有三百多位外籍教師、近百位日籍教師及四百多位中籍教師,多為英、日語科系畢業專才,除嚴格篩選甄試,並不時經驗交流,深具愛心與耐心。
  3. 晉級學習計畫:為學員量身打造學習計畫,依學員程度分班,分初、中、高,共12級,可以循序漸進增強美語實力;並採小班制教學,讓學員擁有更多開口演練機會,便於老師個別指導及矯正發音。
  4. 情境溝通教學:讓學員置身於美語情境中體會生活美語,強化學習記憶,並採溝通式教學法實地演練,增加老師與學員的互動,學習效果卓著。
  5. 實用生活課程:課程內容強調循序漸進,由淺到深,以實用生活會話為主,文法為輔,適合不同程度,及各行各業人士進修。
  6. 雙向互動效果:創造師生之間雙向互動機會,將課堂教學延伸到與課程相關的課餘教學活動,增加實際演練機會。
KOJEN curriculum, which represents a learning continuum for grades preschool through adult, embraces six fundamental areas of education, which provide each student with a high quality, individualized educational program.
I.Fully integrated educational system.
II.Strong native English-speaking faculty.
III.Promotion of various levels of the sequential instruction in the four areas of language art (reading, writing, listening, and speaking).
IV.Situational learning to assure that students can express their own thoughts and ideas in ways that are easily understood by others.
V.Communication skills that can be applied across the curriculum and in the real world beyond the classroom.
VI.Student-centered interactive process to expose students to all genres of communication proficiency.



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